The final conference of the programme took place from 2-3 March 2023 in the Harnack House of the Max Planck Society in Berlin. There were 120 participants from science, practice and politics. The results from a total of 6 years of funding were presented and discussed in lectures, poster sessions, topic tables and at workstations. Opening remarks were given by Karsten Hess, Head of BMBF Unit 723, Global Change, Climate Research, and PALM model supervisor Siegfried Raasch. The conference started with a prominent panel discussion moderated by Vice President for Research at Humboldt University Berlin Christoph Schneider. The participants were Daniela Jacob, Director of the Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS), Christina Koppe, Head of the DWD Department Climate and Environmental Consulting, Dieter Scherer, Overall Director of the programme, Björn Maronga, PALM-4U model developer and the practice partners Franziska Reinfried from the Environmental Agency Dresden and Jörg Zander from the District Office Berlin Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf.
Feedback from participants:
From GERICS' point of view, the final event of the BMBF programme Urban Climate Under Change was a very successful event that brought the almost seven-year funding measure to a successful end. With a successful mix of lectures and plenty of space for dialogue in the Open Spaces, a forum for reflection, discussion and outlook was provided. The Harnack House provided a worthy setting for this. GERICS believes that PALM-4U will be an important tool in research and application. The willingness and interest in PALM-4U is enormous and with the continuation concepts the foundations for the long-term provision are laid.
"With 'Urban Climate Under Change' in the BMBF's 'Research for Sustainability' programme, we have succeeded in further developing decades of basic research on high-resolution modeling of urban climate for practical application. This powerful planning tool will help to better understand and target the impacts of climate change in cities." (Christoph Schneider, Vice President Research, Humboldt-University Berlin and project partner of Humboldt-University Berlin in the funding measure).
"Urban planning that takes the issue of climate resilience seriously would be well advised to make sure it has the possibilities for analyzing and presenting complex urban climate relationships, such as those offered by the PALM-4U urban climate model - and to open up its planning processes to these possibilities. This is especially true for a city like Berlin, where adaptation to climate change is also challenged by redensification processes and an accompanying loss of open space. From the point of view of the practical partners, PALM-4U meets all the essential requirements of planning practice for an urban climate model. It can become a standard tool of municipal planning if the framework conditions of its use - the planning procedures themselves and the qualification of the users - can be developed adequately." (Jörg Zander, District Office Berlin Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf)
From the point of view of the practice partner Ilona Komossa (City of Solingen, City Service Nature and Environment), the final conference of the BMBF programme was very encouraging. As an "assisted PALM-4U self-user", Ms. Komossa has gained the confidence to continue using the new urban climate model in the future, also with the support of the community. "PALM-4U represents, under the condition of validity, a very good tool for the conceptual design and the weighing process in urban land use planning. In Solingen, the team from the area of geodata, urban planning and urban climate is working with PALM-4U."
© Christian Kielmann
Further impressions ➥here.