Information on 3DO+M
The 3DO+M joint research project (Module B) of the BMBF funded programme 'Urban Climate under Change [UC]2' has entered its second project phase with a successful kick-off event in November 2019 in Berlin. In a changed composition, 3DO+M will participate in the development, testing, establishment and operationalisation of the new urban climate model PALM-4U for the next three years. Thereby, a close cooperation with the modules A (MOSAIK-2) and C (Propolis) takes place again.
On the one hand, the 12 subprojects pursue their own research goals and, on the other hand, they are integrated into joint work of the joint research project and the programme. As indicated by the name 3DO+M, an essential part of the work will be modeling with PALM-4U, both to check the functionality of the model and the robustness of its results. 3DO+M will also use PALM-4U for scientific studies on urban or regional climate. Different aspects of air quality, urban climatic stress situations, bioclimatic stressors as well as urban wind and transport phenomena represent only a part of the topics to be worked on and are also of high interest for application fields. With the cities of Stuttgart and Augsburg, additional partners from planning practice are on board.
After more than a year of extensive preliminary work, the results of the comparison between PALM-4U simulations and the measurment data from Phase 1 are now available. Time series and statistical values show that PALM-4U is able to reproduce meteorological processes such as the diurnal variation of air temperature or the wind field. 3DO+M was also able to gain important experiences with its own first simulations with PALM-4U. However, there is still much to be done in the remaining project period.
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Two study areas in Hamburg at which the PALM-4U urban climate model will be tested for different turbulence situations. Left: Geomatikum in the city center - turbulence at the facade, Right: Surroundings of the Weather Mast Hamburg in the outskirts - turbulence in the boundary layer. In addition corresponding wind tunnel measurements are carried out. © A. Hansen, Universität Hamurg |
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Static driver for simulation of an urban area of Munich © DLR/Thilo Erbertseder |